Know Our Vision

"To ignite passion for serving Christ, church, and community."

Serving Christ

We recognize the need to have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This means understanding of the ABCs of Salvation: Admitting you are born a sinner; Believing that Jesus Christ died, was buried, was resurrected for your sins; and Confession that Jesus Christ can forgive and save you from your sins (Romans 3 and 20 and John 3).

Serving Church

We recognize the need to bear fruit in our personal relationship with Christ through active participation in ministries impacting a local assembly as well as the Universal Church consisting of fellow Christians.  Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 that the Holy Spirit empowers believers with spiritual gifts to unify the church and bring Him glory.

Serving Community

We recognize the need to provide community evangelism based on your personal relationship with Christ. In Matthew 28:16-20Jesus admonishes that the Great Commission requires a sustained, purposeful, and organized approach to witnessing.